Wednesday, September 25, 2024

How Gaming Can Help You Get Your Dream Job


Parents have long been calling their kids to come off their PCs or consoles to do their homework, but surprisingly gaming can be a great way to develop the skills employers are looking for in their staff. From confidence using technology to working as part of a team, these transferable skills will make your application stand out from the crowd. Next time someone says gaming is pointless, tell them you are working on these desirable attributes and increasing your chance of getting your dream job in the future!

Technology Skills

Unsurprisingly, gamers are technology confident. They are comfortable with hardware,have a basic awareness of circuits, and are aware of the benefits of things like Lenovo cooling pads. With the fast-moving pace of the gaming industry, gamers often have their finger on the pulse and a good knowledge of developments within the sector which may be useful for anyone going into a career in business or STEM industries. Gamers who play car games on laptops are familiar with many elements of technology that are attractive to employers.

Hand-Eye Co-ordination

Sharp reactions are a must for many computer games, with fast fingers and quick responses being the keys to success, especially in shooting games. Improved hand-eye co-ordination is useful within the working world, particularly if operating machinery, driving, or even performing surgery.

Working as a Team

Teamwork is key to many battle royale games with working as part of a group an appealing feature. Whichever sector of employment you are looking to go into, teamwork is a much sought-after skill. Representing a company means working together towards a common goal, something gamers are familiar with.

Competitive Edge

Employers are seeking staff who will go the extra mile and a competitive edge will make you stand out from the crowd. Gamers are naturally competitive as the goal of most games is to either be the last man standing or to reach a set target. This trait transfers to work and is why gamers are often highly-driven individuals who give their all to reach a target – something that is very attractive to employers.

Sharp Vision

Contrary to popular belief, gaming can improve your vision. People have spoken of getting ‘square eyes’ from looking at a screen but there is evidence to suggest that depth perception and colour sensitivity is improved in those who game.


Gamers are adept at multitasking, from having in-depth conversations while playing to eating with one hand while using a controller or keyboard with the other. This ability to complete more than one task at a time is highly desirable within the workplace and showcases time-management skills and commitment.

Learn: How game development outsourcing improves its industry

Although these skills are appealing to employers, you will also need to prove your skills in other ways, including having the qualifications to support your application.  Be sure to spend enough time away from gaming to get the results you deserve (and which will help your application stand out from the crowd). Work hard, play hard, and achieve success!


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